That's my classmates. Obviously that's not the whole class. I am the one with the fake smile. Lol.
The guy in green is Eric, he's my brother. The girl beside him is Cloverbel!!! She is like the sweetest thing la.
The girl in the middle is Surayah. Our cognitive faci mistook me for her for 3 weeks. And she hid my wallet in her pocket today. The guy with the cap is Jacob!!! He is like the funniest guy in my class! He is super random.
Alright. Adam is the guy with the specs. I've got nothing to say about him. No la... He just dont act like his age. As in, not the serious serious kind la. And the big guy that looks like a bear is Sathes. He is the mastermind! (I think) He took my wallet and passed it to Surayah. And made me look for it like crazy. I think mostly he is my gossip partner. Oops. Oh!!! And the two lumps on his chest is not fats k. It's muscles.. Happy class~
I am totally lying about the muscles part...