Today's lesson damn slack la.. To me at least. Problem statement was 'What is education?' Wtf! Went to do research and all I got was a whole chunk of crap k. It's so confusing la. Different websites got different explanation la -. .- (Dragon nose angry face!!!)
Yay!! Going for cheer practice with manda dear dear tomorrow!! Hoho! Can't wait can't wait!! But my dreams of being a flyer is dashed, thrown out of the window from the tenth floor and smashed into a million million pieces below k!!!! I feel fat suddenly...
I think i should go on a diet.. Starting from tomorrow ba. Hmm. tomorrow is a good idea! Cause I wanna eat Rina's cooking again!! No wonder Jia's gaining weight. Because of Rina's cooking.. Drools...
Oh ya. love all my dear dears and darlings!!
And Jia-Ting Jia-Ting!!