Sunday, August 06, 2006

Haiz.. What the hell??!!! all that i've post is gone??!!!

ok. let's start..

Yesterday night i went to watch fireworks with my Allan and sisters.. It's kinda ROMANTIC.. the fireworks is so freaking beautiful. With the one you love hugging you.. I don't know bout the fireworks thing at first.. Allan called and told me bout it. How I wish the night will never end. It's really really very beautiful I tell you. With thw waters reflecting the fireworks. Everything is just so.... PERFECT. It's my first time watching the fireworks with someone i love.. There'll be a second time wouldn't it?


I thought that Allan would be able to keep me company for the whole day. But phillip called and asked him if he could go out. To celebrate his friend's birthday. I think.. Something bout his friend going for his NS and he'll not see him for quite a period of time...

Actually I don't want Allan to go.. But I can't control his freedom.. I know i'm a very possessive girlfriend. I hate myself for being so possessive too. I reaaly hate it.. But I just can't help it.. I really wonder how Allan can stand me.. I can't even stand myself for acting this way... Allan, I'm really sorry k.. I love you. I really do.. I'm afriad of losing you. I'm sorry for acting this way.. I'm really sorry.. I love you. I love you k.

Heex.. nearly drown today. wat will happen if someday I really die? Wat will happen if i really drown just now? Then Rachel will not get her Bikini!! Haha. Actually just now when I nearly die.. The first person I thought about is Allan. I don't know why.. but He just popped into my mind.. I guess he is really important to me.. Anyway I nearly drown because my sister nearly drown and I went to save her. And both of us nearly die.. What will happen if I really die just now?

I love Allan. I really do.