Saturday, August 05, 2006

What Is A Wart?

A wart is a lump of fibres covered with skin, usually on the hands. It is caused by a virus which enters the skin and causes the skin cells to mutiply quickly.

Warts can be spread by touch or by contact with another piece of skin from a wart. They are usually painless, but can be unsightly. It is possible to remove warts on the hands by the use of special paint obtainable by a druggist.

A wart on the underside of the foot is known as a verruca and these can be painful. Verrca is actually the Latin word for "wart" - just thought you might like to know that.

If the paint does not work, or if the wart is on any part of the body other than the hands or the feet, consult the doctor.

Another Remedy

Robert Zabercky, a twelve-year-old boy from Burbank, California, had forty-seven warts on his hands. His father paid hundreds of dollars on medical bills in an effort to get rid of them but nothing worked.

A fortnight after Robert visited relatives in Ayrshire, Scotland, the warts disappeared. The boy discovered the most unusual remedy. Every day for two weeks he went into the local fields and rubbed his skin with cow dung - it worked!!!!