Thursday today, so it's science. Jia came over to my school. Had chicken chop again... Again!!
Had a fire drill in school! It's so damn stupid. Me, Amanda, Sky, Li Ping were walking back to class, and i was enjoying my banana chocolate, after the first break when the fire alarm went off. Then we were like 'SHIT! Fire leh. Laptop 着火how?' Then we ran back to class. Duh. Our laptopS leh.
Ran to our block and the security guard stopped us I think he said something like 'Evacuation route this way' Then i ignore him. (Laptop more important) -..- then he blocked us and repeated the 'Evacuation route this way'. Then i said 'Wait. Wait. I need to take my laptop' I bet if the fire is real I won't be blogging now la. Risk my life to save my laptop how noble of me -..-
Anyway, Colin helped us bring our laptops down. So no burnt laptops.. No one died too.

Used to think banana chocolate tasted weird. But this is nice. I was eating it when we were walking for our lives during the drill.